Lona’s story

Lona is a doctor and facilitator in the MENA region. She’s been an activist in her community for years, using her role as a doctor to promote health awareness and youth empowerment. Through her experience as a doctor in the emergency department, Lona has seen many cases that could have been prevented if people were better informed about their SRHR. Lona says, ‘’being aware of your sexual and reproductive health is vital for young people’s physical and mental health. A community that has healthy and productive youth will have future healthy families and healthy generations.’’

Raising awareness of SRHR

Lona’s facilitation work primarily focuses on promoting sexual and reproductive health. ‘’We do this through focus group discussions, training and consultation sessions. I provide the participants with leadership, advocacy, and teamwork skills to help them become future youth advocates.’’

The trainings Lona facilitates are a unique opportunity for youth to gain awareness of their SRHR from an accurate, scientific source and in an academic and professional setting. For many of the young people she works with, it’s the first time they receive such a training or information about their SRHR.

Lona’s vision

Lona’s goal is that her work helps prevent stereotypes and misunderstandings that often exist around this topic. ‘’Young people can use their knowledge and skills to further spread awareness and have a positive influence on their social circles and surroundings. This way, the taboos and stereotypes surrounding these topics will gradually fade away and we will step towards a healthier society regarding physical and mental health issues.’’

For Lona, International Youth Day is a day to ‘’make our voices heard and share our energy and creative ideas. If we want to change society, the best way is to involve its youth. Young people have a fresh perspective, time, and a unique energy; they just need to be given the opportunity.’’

Young people’s empowerment and engagement in decision-making around SRHR is vital for individual health, but also our society more broadly. ‘’We would have healthier individuals, healthier families, and healthier future children.’’


Masarouna stands behind youth activists like Lona. We work together with them to strengthen their skills and expertise for advocacy, amplify their voices, and support them in making systemic change.