

Masarouna recognizes that staff implementing this program hold a privileged position of power and trust in relation to youth and the communities that we work for and with. We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe program, treating all people with respect and dignity, and challenging any form of harassment, discrimination, intimidation, exploitation, or abuse of power.

The Masarouna program will not tolerate its employees, or anyone associated with the delivery of its work, carrying out any form of sexual exploitation, abuse or harassment, child abuse, or any form of fraud or corruption.

Speak up. Masarouna encourages anyone who suspects that misconduct has occurred or is occurring to communicate their suspicions confidentially, in the knowledge that any form of retaliation against complainants is prohibited.

  • Unacceptable, improper conduct committed by anyone working for or on behalf of the Masarouna program. This includes, for example, sexual abuse, exploitation, harassment, child abuse, fraud, theft, bribery, money laundering, terror financing or aid diversion and nepotism. Read more about the different types of misconduct and definitions here.

  • Any person who has a concern about misconduct happening within the scope of the Masarouna program, staff, program participants, volunteers, suppliers, implementing partners and members of the public.

  • The Masarouna program offers different reporting lines through its partners which you can use to report your concerns about misconduct. However, if there they are not available or you do not feel safe using these lines, you can always report your concerns to Oxfam Novib, the lead partner of this program.

    Ways you can report to Oxfam Novib:

    Through the online Oxfam Reporting Misconduct Webform (available in several different languages).

    If you are concerned about misconduct, it is important that you do not investigate or gather evidence yourself, but rather report your suspicions as soon as possible. If you have any doubts or concerns about making a report, you can seek guidance confidentially from the Masarouna integrity focal point:

    For more information about keeping people safe and raising concerns with Oxfam Novib, click here.

    Your report will be treated confidentiality.

    You may also submit a report anonymously if you wish. However, if possible, we encourage to not report anonymously, because if insufficient information is provided, this may affect our capacity to respond.